Abuja herbalist hospitalised after shooting self while testing ‘bulletproof’ charm

The world’s most fertile woman had 69 children: Who is Valentina Vassilyeva and what is her incredible story?

Man selling his Soul on eBay

Japanese Woman Passes Gas During Surgery, Causing Fire

Meet Michel Lotito, the Man Who Ate an Entire Airplane piece by piece

A couple who met at a strip clip now live off-grid in the jungle – and they are raising their kids on an active volcano .

UP Man Gets Bitten By Snake Every Saturday For 7th Time In 40 Days, Team Formed To Probe Case

Vicar ends up in hospital after potato gets stuck in his bottom

Why This UK Teen Never Feels Hungry, Pain, or Danger: A Genetic Marvel Unveiled

Son of a bot! AI Jesus hologram takes confessionals in Swiss church