A Dad Did Not Want to Pay His Ex-Wife Over $100,000 in Child Support, So He Faked His Death

‘Spider smuggler’ arrested with hundreds of tarantulas taped to body as he tries to fly out of Peru

Well, That’s a Bummer! North Korean Media Admits That Founder Kim Il-sung Wasn’t Able to Teleport

Dad who ‘hasn’t stopped farting since he ate ham roll in 2017’ sues for $260.000

Indonesian man kills neighbour who kept asking him why he was not married at 45

US death row prisoner chose cigarette over last meal … Prison refused, saying it was “harmful to health” … Prisoner electrocuted few hours later

Can an elephant sue to leave a zoo? Colorado’s top court must now decide for Jambo, Kimba, Lucky, LouLou, and Missy.

Customer leaves a generous $3,000 tip on $13 food bill. Then, the restaurant decided to sue him

A Man Once Sued Himself After He Backed Into His Own Car

Man complaining of Indigestion had live cockroach in his small Intestine