This Woman Makes Her Husband Take Lie Detector Tests And Bans Him From Watching Women On TV

Listen, we’ve all had those moments of relationship insecurity, but one couple’s story takes trust issues to a whole new level.

Meet Debbi Wood, dubbed the “world’s most jealous woman,” and her husband Steve, who might just be the most patient man on Earth.

Despite the pair being married Debbi still makes her husband do lie detector tests ( Image: Daily Record)

Why All The Trust Issues?

Before officially becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, Steve was seeing someone else while living far away from Debbi.

Seems pretty standard for early dating, right? Well, this “slight deception” sparked something in Debbi that would transform their relationship forever.

From Zero to Lie Detector Real Quick

Debbi claimed she just doesn’t want to let him get away ( Image: Loughborough Echo)

Remember that time your partner jokingly said, “I’d take a lie detector test to prove it”? Most of us would laugh it off, but Debbi thought, “Now that’s an idea!”

After Steve made this casual comment, she actually went out and bought one. And thus began their unique relationship dynamic where Steve had to prove his innocence every time he went out.

But Wait, It Gets More Intense

Think checking your partner’s Instagram likes is bad?

Debbi took it to the next level by regularly examining Steve’s:

  • Phone records
  • Bank statements
  • TV watching habits (yes, really)

Speaking of television, Steve isn’t allowed to watch shows featuring women. Why?

Because even a razor commercial featuring a female model sent Debbi into a panic.

As she told The Mail, “The only thing that could put my mind at rest was banning him from watching any programmes that have women in them.”

Before you jump to conclusions, there’s actually a medical explanation for Debbi’s extreme jealousy.

She’s been diagnosed with Othello Syndrome, which the National Library of Medicine describes as a “psychotic disorder characterised by the delusion of infidelity or jealousy.”

This condition, combined with trauma from a previous relationship, helps explain (though doesn’t necessarily justify) her intense monitoring of Steve.

Despite what sounds like an incredibly restrictive relationship, Steve isn’t running for the hills.

In fact, by 2014, he reported they’d significantly reduced the lie detector tests, using them “as many times in a month as [they] would in a week” and sometimes “even less than that.”

Why does he stay?

In his own words: “When we’re not arguing about this, our relationship is absolutely amazing.

I make her laugh in ways she’s never laughed before. She makes me laugh in ways I’ve never laughed before.”

And as Debbi puts it, with what might be the understatement of the century: “Well, when you’ve got a good man, you’re not going to let him go, are you?”

While most of us might need to work on our trust issues, Debbi and Steve’s story shows that love can survive even the most extreme circumstances – lie detector tests, TV bans, and all. It’s not conventional, but hey, what relationship is?

Editor’s Note:
Sources for this article include ITV’s This Morning (2013-2014 episodes) and The Mail. The story features direct quotes from interviews given by Debbi Wood and Steve Wood on these platforms.